The See Her Wander Story

The See Her Wander Story

See Her Wander: The second extension of SHC

(Are you sensing a theme yet...? I hope you don't think I'm too crazy with all these extensions of the SHC brand because... we have another one after this XD!)

See Her Wander is one of the most special to me in the See Her Empire. Once again started on a whim of "Hey wouldn't it be cool if I posted the places I traveled to?!" SHW is special to me, because of me deepest desire to travel the world. If you've followed me for very long on @seehercreate on Instagram, then you probably know I want to see the world. More specifically right now: Italy.

See Her Wander was started as a sort of tip-toe into the travel community I so crave to be apart of. While I've only travel various places around the south east of the US, I hope that one day SHW is filled with pictures and guides of the many countries I've explored, or rather, wandered to.

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